#155 Women Unsilenced: Feminists speak out against torture

We listen to stories of survivors of prostitution/pornography, female sexual mutilation, rape... It is now time we confronted the reality of torture. Jeanne Sarson and Linda MacDonald have compiled decades of activism against torture and testimonies of survivors in their forthcoming book Women Unsilenced: Our Refusal To Let Torturers-Traffickers Win.

In this episode of the FiLiA podcast, Yagmur Uygarkizi from Radical Girlsss speaks to Jeanne and Linda about feminist healing, 'the right to anger' and the power of laughter, and about their indefectible hope for change.

Linda MacDonald and Jeanne Sarson are the founders of Persons Against Non-State Torture. The two Canadian feminists have supported women who've endured non-state torture for decades and called for the global legal recognition of non-state torture as a specific crime against women. They are publishing their first book this Autumn.